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Note: If you have any resources to share, feel free to contact us!

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Christian Missionary Resource

Great resources that are especially or exclusively for people engaged in overseas missions or cross-cultural ministry!

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Barnabas International
Are you in need of encouragement?
Are you reaching the point of ministry burnout?
Do your kids need help transitioning between cultures?
Barnabas International exits to edify, encourage, enrich, and strengthen servants in ministry. Their primary focus is to minister to people in full-time ministry.
Help for missionaries who are struggling.
Providing help and member care when
and where it’s needed.
Online or in-person counseling (they will even come to your host country to meet with you if if that is what you really need).
Free ebooks and brochures on topics of finances, stress, re-entry, marriage issues, MK concerns, illness, grief, burnout, etc.
Mental Health Resources for
Cross Cultural Workers
Do you work in a creative access country?
You can still receive the same resources and care, but in a format that is sensitive to your setting and security needs by using the alternative site: Cross Cultural Workers.
Strengthening and Encouraging missionaries and those that send them are at the heart of what we do.
* Missionary care via Skype, email, or phone.
* Missionary Debriefing
* Pastoral Counseling
* Boot Camp for people interested in caring for missionaries
* Boot Camp for missionaries to learn to care for other missionaries
* Care for Mission Agencies and helping them improve their member care services.
* Workshops for supporting churches on how to better care for their missionaries
Moms in Missions
A blogroll with links to lots
of missionary mom blogs.
A great way to connect with other missionary moms around the world.
Serving those who serve interculturally to assist the women to thrive in their field of calling; providing a variety of resources such as encouragement, prayer, Bible studies, coaching, mentoring, educational consulting for homeschoolers, personal debriefing, and more!

Care, Support, and Community
Melisa Ruble

Need Prayer?

24/7 Prayer Lines


Call: 1-866-273-4444, or submit a request online.

A prayer partner would be pleased to pray with you for any special need you may be facing today.

Silent Unity

Call: 1-800-669-7729, or submit a request online.

Whatever your prayer need, there is always someone ready to lift you up in prayer. Your request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential. There is never a charge for this service.

International Prayer Line

Phone: 888-731-1000  or//


In a Crisis?

Click here for an extensive list of 24/7 Crisis Hotlines

Serving Missionaries and Their Sending Congregations

Paracletos exists solely for the purpose of caring for missionaries. They provide a variety of services such as debriefing, advocacy, and coaching, as well as helping sending churches better understand and provide adequate care for their missionaries.

Peter’s Wife

Peter’s Wife reaches out by monthly emails and this web site to women living and working cross culturally. Living outside our own culture is stressful. Keeping a home, helping our husbands, and raising kids can be very difficult without the usual support systems of home. Peter’s Wife is written by and for those who have given up the comforts and normality of ‘home’ to serve people in a different culture.

Mission Training International has cross-cultural missionary training and debriefing programs. Their vision is to see cross-cultural messengers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ experience effectiveness, endurance and personal vitality.

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world.

Caring for the Soul of Leaders in Ministry and the Marketplace

The mission of Bethesda by the Sea is to help struggling servants of the Lord “make it to the healing waters of the Pool of Bethesda” so that they may be Rested in body, Renewed in soul, and Refreshed in spirit.

Our Vision is to see valiant kingdom servants Restored to eternally fruitful ministry on the front lines of the spiritual battle.

A visit to Bethesda by the Sea may be just what you need to experience a fresh encounter

with the Lord that will restore your soul.

Resting your body

Renewing your soul

(mind, will, & emotions)

Refreshing your spirit

The mission of Shepherd's Heart Ministry is to provide healing and restoration to ministry leaders.

Shepherd's Heart Ministry recognizes the pain and isolation that ministry leaders face. We know that leaders are often alone and find themselves without the support or resources they need.

If you are a ministry leader or spouse, and you are experiencing pain from moral failure, marital problems, addiction, or burnout we earnestly desire to help you.

Paraclete provides a network of associates who are equipped to help in a wide variety of ways . . . accounting, couching, missionary debriefing, member care, soul care, training, and more! They have hundreds of organizations, churches, and individuals in dozens of countries, working as counselors, consultants, mentors and trainers.

Tributary is a retreat center for Global Christian Workers, offering debriefing, coaching, and/or just a getaway free of charge. Located in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.