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* Act Beyond. We start church planting movements to transform unreached people groups–where obedient disciples make obedient disciples and reproducing churches start reproducing churches–who make Jesus known while transforming lives, relationships and communities.
* Action International Ministries. A non-
* Adventures in Mission. An interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship with an emphasis on prayer and relationships in their work among the poor. Focusing on “the least of these”, giving hope to the hopeless, care to orphans, praying for the sick, and raising up a generation of radically committed disciples.
* African Christian Mission Intl. An indigenous African outreach ministry networking with partners for evangelism, discipleship and humanitarian aid to the world. Their mission is to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ, to equip Christians for ministry work, to help Christians discover their potential, and to call and mobilize Christians to reach out to those in need.
* Africa Inland Missions. Evangelism and church planting among Africa's unreached peoples, leadership development, youth ministry, medical ministry, community development, aviation, and support service ministries.
* Anglican Frontier Missions. A mission organization that seeks to plant viable,
* Appalachia Service Project. Providing vital housing services to low-
* Asia Harvest. Reaching unreached people groups in Asia.
* Assemblies of God World Missions. Reaching, planting, training, and serving . . . so all can hear!
* Association of Baptists for World Evangelization (ABWE). Specializing in discipleship-
* Athletes in Action. A branch of Campus Crusade for Christ which uses sports as a vehicle for evangelism.
* Avant Ministries. Reaching the unreached by planting reporducing churches in unreached areas.
* Baptist Mid-
* Beyond. Formerly known as Mission to Unreached Peoples. Beyond is a broadly interdenominational agency which focuses on unreached people groups with a special emphasis on those who live in the 10/40 window in Asia, Europe and beyond. They engage in a variety of ministries including Bible schools, church planting, medical and university ministry.
* Buckner International. Bettering the lives of orphans and at-
* Calvary Ministries (CAPRO). A vision for transforming the unreached peoples for Christ through media, training, human resource development, research, mercy ministries, and church planting.
* Camino Global. Taking the message of Christ's redemption and restoration as we serve among and with Spanish speakers around the world.
* Campus Crusade for Christ. Helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship.
* Cadence International. Reaching the military communities of the United States and of the world with the Good News of Jesus.
* Café 1040. An intensely experiential 3-
* City Team. Serving the poor, the homeless, and the lost in local communities in the United States and around the world.
* Child Evangelism Fellowship. A Bible-
* Children of the Nations. Providing holistic, Christ-
* Christar. Christar strives to cultivate Christ-
* Christian Appalachian Project. An interdenominational, non-
* Christian Associates International. Striving to see churches mature into sustainable
faith communities, primarily in urban areas where they become multiplying church-
* Christ for Children International. Evangelizing and discipling impoverished children and youth, assisting with incorporating new converts into a local church, church planting, and holistic ministry. CFCI’s main ministries are Kid’s Club, a free lunch program, the Church of the Great Shepherd, and cell groups.
* Christians in Actions. Empowering missionaries to plant reproducing community churches
around the world. CIA values discipleship and evangelism, missionary training, church-
* Church Resource Ministires (CRM). Making disciples and transforming communities. CRM works to create movements of committed followers of Jesus by pioneering new ground among the unreached and unchurched, bringing lasting transformation among the poor, and mobilizing the Church for mission.
* Compassion International. Acts as an advocate for children to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
* Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. CBF has seven areas of focus: poverty/transformation ministries, disaster response ministry, internationals ministries, church planting/faith sharing, justice and peacemaking ministries, medical ministries, and education/economic development ministries.
* Cross World. Their members are in all sorts of professions -
* Cup of Cold Water Ministry. Enabling missionaries to faithful proclamation the Word of God and to loving serve the poor and disadvantaged, both home and abroad.
* Dayspring Mission. Dayspring Mission operates in a rural village in central Nigeria, where the mission station is located near a major migratory rout of the largest unreached people cluster in Africa, the Fulani. Day spring mission is currently pursuing avenues of ministry in vocational training, audio Bible ministry, and basic healthcare services.
* Disciple the Nations. Disciple the Nations exists to make disciples of all nations. To accomplish our goal, we partner with churches to send mature, growing disciples of Jesus Christ to the nations in order to mature and grow more disciples of Jesus Christ through the gospel.
* Doctors without Borders. Providing emergency medical care to millions of people caught in crises in nearly 60 countries around the world. MSF provides assistance when catastrophic events overwhelm local health systems. MSF also assists people who face discrimination or neglect from their local health systems or when populations are otherwise excluded from health care.
* Doulos Partners. Focusing on church planting and supporting church plants throughout the world by training nationals who are called to pastor, supplying financial resources to support them, and doing ministry projects that grow the ministry of each and every church founding.
* e3 Partners. Focusing on 3 essential “E’s” of missions: Equipping, Evangelizing, and Establishing churches. e3 exists to help Christians’ minister globally through organizing prayer groups and mission teams and connecting churches with key national pastors and church leaders.
* Eastern European Outreach. Dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the people of Eastern
Europe, especially at-
* Eastern Mennonite Mission. Going where the church does not yet exist.
* East-
* Elic. Placing passionately committed Christians in teaching roles across Asia and
the Middle East, who primarily serve through the medium of English instruction. We
accomplish this through recruiting, training and sending men and women from the USA,
Canada, India, New Zealand, the UK, and other countries, to meet the ever-
* Every Ethne. Every Ethne’s desire is to help provide students in their ministries with strategic mission resources, community, and coaching.
* Every Home for Christ. Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.
* Fellowship International Mission. Fuse your vision with God’s passion.
* Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism (FAME). Seeking to lead people to
Christ through meeting real physical needs by partnering with other missions organizations
to deliver a unique combination of medical mission services. They provide medical
facilities, medicines and supplies, and hands-
* Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in the world. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.
* Finishers. Connecting mid-
* Food for the Hungry International (FHI). A growing, international organization
that answers God’s call to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the poor. It
is currently active in over 50 nations of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.
FHI has a program called “Hunger Corps” which provides an opportunity for experienced
and qualified people to share their knowledge and skills with the poor. Some areas
of ministry include agriculture, child development, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, church development
and child-
* Forgotten Missionaries International. Mobilizing and empowering indigenous church planters and evangelists.
* Frontiers. An international community of ordinary people, serving with teams, going to the hardest places in the world, bringing efforts of human aid and relief, working in the global marketplace, while living as ambassadors of the Gospel to those who have not yet heard.
* Global Action. Empowering and equipping local pastors and church leaders in developing nations by providing them with and church growth training and missional vision.
* Global Expeditions. A ministry of Teen Mania (an interdenominational youth ministry), organizes mission trips ranging from 1 week to a month. GE mission teams serve all around the world doing a variety of activities, from teaching VBS in Peru to using drama and dance for evangelism in Italy.
* Global Frontier Missions. Striving to put the Gospel of Jesus Christ within reach of every people group on earth.
* Global Journey. Global Journey allows you to join a team of 8 – 10 people for two months in five countries and four continents. In this experience you will have the opportunity to love and encourage people of many different cultures while partaking in various kinds of mission work. Most trips include taking care of orphans and widows, church planting, evangelizing, teaching, preaching the Word, and much more!
* Global Partnership Ministries (GPM). Formerly known as European Partnership Ministries, GPM helps churches respond to the newly opened doors in Eastern Europe and the former USSR.
* Global Teams. Global Teams equips and sends teams of missionaries from many nations to multiply disciples of Jesus within cultures least familiar with the gospel.
* Gospel for Asia. Transforming communities through Christ’s love.
* Gospelink. The vision of Gospelink is to provide as many people as possible the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and to help them to grow spiritually by empowering national preachers.
* Greater Europe Mission (GEM). Reaching Europe by multiplying disciples and growing Christ's Church. GEM longs to see God expanding His kingdom through all the peoples of Europe to the world.
* Habitat for Humanity. Brings families and communities together with volunteers and resources to provide affordable housing.
* Heal the Nations. Working to improve the health of children and families in underdeveloped communities throughout the world while sharing the love of Christ through medical mission outreach.
* Hebrew Christian Fellowship. The mission of Hebrew Christian Fellowship is to lovingly and sensitively present the Gospel of Messiah Jesus to Jewish people directly through support of established, active ministries in the land of Israel and indirectly through the equipping of believers in local churches for effective witness to Jewish people in their circles of influence.
* Hillside Missions. Introducing unreached people to God through training and sending
teams for short-
* Hope International. A network of microfinance institutions working to empower men, women, and families to break the cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through the provision of Biblically based business training, savings services, small loans, mentoring, and discipleship. By incorporating a strong witness for Jesus Christ and employing a variety of approaches to microfinance, HOPE is an innovator in the field of microenterprise development.
* Hope Missions. Hope Missions is committed to bringing Hope to the Hopeless through
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each trip is a complete pre-
* Horizons International. Horizons exists to communicate and demonstrate the love of Jesus so that the world would be transformed by God's love and forgiveness, by Proclaiming the Gospel, Discipling the Nations, and Equipping the Church.
* InFaith. A nondenominational mission agency that enables called and committed followers
of Christ to serve with purpose and passion within our nation’s borders. InFaith
uses many different ministry methods. They host outreach events, provide one-
* InterAct Ministries. Making disciples among the least-
* International Justice Mission. A Christian human rights agency that rescues victims of sexual exploitation, slavery, human trafficking, and other forms of violent oppression.
* International Mission Board. An entity of the Southern Baptist Convention and exists
to present the Gospel and lead individuals to saving faith in Him which will result
in church-
* International Sports Federation (ISF). A non-
* International Students, Inc. We seek to evangelize the students that come from all over the world to study in universities in the USA and send them back as witnesses to their own people.
* International Teams. Lives and communities transformed by the power of God.
* International World Changers (IWC). A prepackaged missions program for high school and college students. As a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, IWC facilitates trips to Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. High school and college students have the chance to engage in various types of ministries internationally, from prayer skiing in Slovenia to soccer clinics in Niger.
* InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (ICF). An evangelical campus mission serving more than 35,000 students and faculty on over 560 college and university campuses nationwide. The agency’s focus is campus witness, thoughtful discipleship, and concern for world missions. One aspect of ICF’s ministry is Global Urban Trek which offers students the opportunity to serve the poor and live in slum communities.
* Irene Gleeson Foundation. The Irene Gleeson Foundation was founded in 1991 by Irene Gleeson who identified in her travels to Africa the great need to take care of the children of Northern Uganda ravaged by the war that was raging across East Africa. The IGF staff's main purpose in their mission is to glorify our God through teaching Ugandans the love and truth of Jesus Christ.
* IRIS Global. An organization committed to fulfilling the greatest commandments: Love God, and Love Your Neighbor. They work primarily in Asia and Africa, but have charities in lots of different countries around the world.
* JAARS (Jungle Aviation and Radio Services). Making Bible translation possible by
investing in practical, day-
* JAF Ministries. Disability outreach of Joni Eareckson Tada is dedicated to extending the love and message of Christ to people who are affected by disability, whether it is the disabled person, a family member, or friend.
* Kenya Relief. The mission of is to rekindle hope for a new generation in Kenya through partnership between communities, uniting for a common good. Kenya Relief works in the community to provide orphan care, education, and medical care.
* Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT). Bible translation and literacy. God’s Word for all people.
* Lutheran Hour Ministries. Missional outreach and humanitarian aid.
* Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Serving through aviation and technology with the vision to see isolated people physically and spiritually transformed in Christ’s name. Currently serving in 33 countries worldwide.
* Make Way Partners. A Christian mission agency committed to prevent and combat human trafficking and all forms of modern–day slavery by educating and mobilizing The Body of Christ. Make Way Partners builds partnerships within the body of Christ to call forth those willing to answer the Biblical call to seek justice on behalf of the oppressed.
* Medical Ministry International. A Christian organization committed to meet the need for medical care among the world’s poor through excellence in medicine, patient care, and health education.
* Mercy Ships. Send ships around the world to serve a local community in diverse cultures and partner with the local people.
* Mission Quest. A missionary service agency created by missionaries for missionaries.
We always try to offer cutting-
* Missions on the Move (MOM). Changing lives for Christ one child at a time! Our
Mission is to answer Christ's call to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, visit
the sick, clothe the naked & bring hope to a world in need. There are currently three
positions open for full-
* Mission to the World (MTW). The missionary sending organization of the Presbyterian
Church in America and offers trips ranging from 1-
* Navigators. To reach, disciple, and equip people to know Christ and make Him known through successive generations.
* Nehemiah Teams. Leading the next generation to reach every nation... standing in
the gap among the unreached and the hard-
* Network of International Christian Schools (NICS). The mission of NICS is to establish
a worldwide network of international Christian schools staffed by qualified Christian
educators, instilling in each student a Biblical world-
* New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS). Functions as a society of Christ-
* New Tribes Mission. Helping local churches train,coordinate, and send missionaries to unreached tribes.
* North American Indigenous Ministries. A multicultural team that exists to glorify God through making disciples among North American Indigenous peoples. This nondenominational faith mission works primarily in Western Canada, Washington State, and New Mexico.
* Northern Canada Evangelical Mission. NCEM exists to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ among and in partnership with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and related people groups.
* Not Forgotten. An organization that is compelled by the love of Christ to provide for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of impoverished, abandoned, and oppressed people of the world so that they may improve their quality of life, find salvation through Jesus Christ and be empowered to affect change in their communities.
* One Challenge. Empowering local church ministry to be involved in Missions Mobilization, Church Planting & Growth, Education, Holistic Ministry, Leadership Development, Member Care, Partnering & Bridge Building, Research, Sports Ministries, as well as Business for Transformation.
* One Hundred Fold. A group of specialists in software development, web design, database engineering, networking and telecommunications who believe that mobile technology has a transformative role to play in making the gospel of Christ accessible to every individual on Earth.
* Open Doors. Serving persecuted Christians worldwide.
* Operation Mobilization. An international Christian mission agency that seeks to demonstrate and proclaim the love of God through evangelism, church planting, discipleship, literature distribution, relief, and development in many areas of the world.
* Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF). Formally known as the China Inland Mission and Oversease Missionary Fellowship. They serve the church and bring the gospel to many of the countries in East Asia, and have a pioneering ministry in the rest. They help place Christians with professional skills in China and other Asian countries, and share the love of Christ with East Asians worldwide. They aim to see an indigenous, biblical church movement in each people group of East Asia, evangelizing their own people and reaching out in mission to other peoples.
* Pearl Ministries. Facilitate the vision of Ranch on Jesus Orphanage Ministries,
a registered Ugandan non-
* Partners International. Living out the Great Commission and Great Commandment, serving the physically deprived and the spiritually hungry in the “hard places” of the world.
* Pioneer Bible Translators. Bible translation, literacy programs, and indigenous Scripture Impact initiatves.
* Pioneers. Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating
* Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship (PFF). Serving churches by getting them involved with establishing indigenous churches among unreached people groups. In addition to linking churches with particular frontier mission ministries, PFF links churches with other Presbyterian congregations in a network of prayer and support for specific people groups.
* Reach Beyond. We will leverage, to the best of our ability, God’s gift of media and medical technology to reveal His eternal wisdom to those who have never heard the name of Jesus.
* Reach Global EFCA. A multi-
* Reaching and Teaching. Reaching the peoples of the world through evangelism and by meeting the great need for deep discipleship, pastoral preparation, leadership training, and theological education around the world.
* Reel Life International. Sharing the love of Christ with those in extreme need by raising funds for sustainable assistance.
* Ripe for Harvest World Outreach. Helping missionaries accomplish the calling God has given them.
* Samaritan's Purse. Provides spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.
* SEND International. Starting churches where there are none by evangelizing the unreached, nurturing disciples, and developing leaders.
* Servant Partners. Working with agencies all over the world to develop and encourage
holistic church plants among the urban poor. Servant Partners uses micro-
* Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor. A network of Christian communities living and working among the urban poor in Asia’s mega cities, participating with the poor to bring hope and justice through Jesus Christ.
* Serving in Missions (SIM). Respond to need. Proclaim the gospel. Equip the church.
* Student Volunteer Movement 2. An alliance that works towards enabling leaders of local ministries to influence their own with a vibrant heart for Jesus and His great commission.
* South America Mission. Strives to see the Church established in South America creating multiple opportunities to present a clear, meaningful and persuasive presentation of the gospel to their own ethnic or social group.
* Sozo Children. Working with orphans in different countries, striving to establish orphanages that will foster the development of a child in a holistic manner.
* Sweet Sleep. Providing beds to the world’s orphaned and abandoned children, demonstrating God’s love for them and improving their quality of life.
* Teach Beyond. An international organization providing transformational education to children and to adults. We provide teaching and learning services to all regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion in order to promote holistic personal growth and enduring social benefit.
* Teach Overseas. An interdenominational ministry that trains and sends Christians
to teach English, business, and other subjects in China, Czech Republic, Hungary,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Vietnam. Teach Overseas
offers summer as well as year-
* TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission). Helping churches everywhere send missionaries everywhere.
* Theovision International. We exist to share God’s Word and His love in Africa and
beyond in indigenous languages, using cutting-
* The Wellhouse. Offering immediate shelter and transitional housing to women who
have been trafficked, are prostituting, or otherwise sexually exploited. Food, clothing,
spiritual guidance, Christian counseling, and other necessities are provided, along
with assisting with referrals for substance abuse treatment, if needed. Life skills
classes, GED preparation, and other enrichment services are part of the experience
to help these women become self-
* United World Mission. Partnering with local Christians in 42 nations to form leaders, reproduce churches, and empower the poor and vulnerable.
* Vision Beyond Borders. The view of the cross is a vision beyond borders.
* Volunteers for China. A Christian humanitarian organization that facilitates volunteers, both short term and long term, for service in China.
* Volunteers in Medical Missions. VIMM is a team of Christian doctors, nurses, and
other volunteers that minister to the physical and spiritual needs of children and
adults in developing countries throughout the world. Although their primary focus
is medical, VIMM also seeks to involve non-
* Wings of Hope. Using planes to bring health and hope to forgotten communities, and providing humanitarian programming in 47 countries, partnering with communities to improve their health, education, economic opportunities, and food security.
* World Crafts. Developing sustainable, fair-
* World Mission Prayer League. Transforming lives through prayer.
* World Outreach Missions. Training the Trainers. Informing, inspiring, igniting, and involving every believer in the work of God's Kingdom.
* World Team. To glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.
* World Venture. Working in the arts, media, business, education, family and medicine, church outreach, science and agriculture, and government; we exist to see people of all nations transformed by Jesus Christ in partnership with his church.
* World Vision. World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.
* Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC). Sharing Jesus among people groups with little or no access to the Gospel, gathering individuals who believe in Him into faith communities, mobilizing missionaries, and motivating and empowering churches (including the ones we plant) to obey Jesus’ mandate to make disciples of all nations.
* Worldwide Tentmakers. Reach people who have not been reached with the gospel by
traditional missions. They help in sending tentmaker missionaries to these places.
They help train these missionaries to become self-
* Wycliffe Bible Translators. Translating and delivering Scripture to people around the world in a language and form they understand best.
* Youth for Christ. An indigenous global team serving in more than 100 countries.
Reaching young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other
* Youth With A Mission. An international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Their many ministries fit into three main categories: evangelism, training, and mercy ministry.