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Returning Well: Your Guide to Thriving Back "Home" After Serving Cross-Culturally

By Melissa Chaplin

The process of returning well doesn't just happen. It requires an investment of time, and this book will help.

For missionaries and mission agencies alike -- this book can be a fantastic supplementary resource to a good debriefing experience for returnees.

Reentry Resources!
Providing help and member care when
and where it’s needed.
When returning to their passport countries, many missionaries have difficulty reentering the culture in which they grew up.  They may find it difficult to close the chapter in their life in the host culture and begin the new chapter in their “home” culture.  
To help with that transition, Ron and Bonnie have done several things growing out of their experiences in about 35 reentry retreats including more than 350 missionaries.
Find great re-entry resources here!

Burn Up or Splash Down: Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-Entry

by Marion Knell

A good overview of missionary re-entry, as well as how to transition children back to the USA.

Mission Training International provides debriefing programs for missionaries.

Looming Transitions: Starting and finishing well in cross-cultural service

by Amy Young

Looming Transitions is an excellent roadmap and manual for missionaries in transition.

Re-Entry: Making The Transition From Missions To Life At Home

by Peter Jordan

A practical , helpful, and fun book written by an experienced “returnee”.

After the Boxes Are Unpacked

by Susan Miller

A good resource for anyone who is transitioning to a new place.  It is not specifically written for those moving back to the USA, but is for anyone making a new home in a new place.

Books, resources, and even an online community for women in transition!

Offering re-entry workshops for missionaries!

From Mission to Mission seeks to help returned missionaries and volunteers live mission here in their home culture.

Redefining Home: Squatty Potties, Split Pants, and Other Things that Divide My World

by Carrie Anne Hudson

In her clear, witty, compelling way, Carrie Anne Hudson delivers a rare fun look at what it truly means to live life overseas.

How To Survive Reverse Culture Shock: Understand It, Feel Better and Get Your Life Back!

by Elena Nebreda

A practical, helpful, and fun book written by an experienced “returnee”.

The Art of Coming Home

by Craig Storti

A more academic and analytical "inside" look at re-entry. The author also writes about unique situations including the military, exchange students, missionaries, and others.

Ending Well

by Ellen Rosenberger

Ending Well normalizes the variety of emotions experienced before and during re-entry. In its pages you will find practical steps to closing a chapter of life overseas and opening a new one back in your home country.

Tributary is a retreat center for Global Christian Workers, offering debriefing, coaching, and/or just a relaxing getaway. Located in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.

Glean from a wide assortment of articles for those transitioning off the field, written by those who have been there.

Serving Missionaries and Their Sending Congregations

Paraclete provides a network of associates who are equipped to help in a wide variety of ways . . . accounting, couching, missionary debriefing, member care, soul care, training, and more! They have hundreds of organizations, churches, and individuals in dozens of countries, working as counselors, consultants, mentors and trainers.

Shannon Eaton

Shannon specializes in helping global workers experience an effortless

re-entry through personalized care.