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Great resources that are especially or exclusively for people engaged in overseas missions or cross-cultural ministry!

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search engine by freefind
Deputation Resources
Powerful software for ministry partner development
TntMPD is a FREE computer program that is designed especially for missionaries!
If you’re needing to raise your own support, this is exactly what you need!
Very easy to use, with everything you need to keep track of your supporters, their contact information, financial pledges, mailing lists, and more!
And if your mission organization also decides to use this program, you can automatically update financial records, new donors, and monthly donations without having to manually enter the information. The program automatically synchronizes with the mission organization’s online database!
Send out emails or newsletters to your supporters using MailChimp
An easy-to-use tool that takes the hassle out of sending emails to a large mailing list. Just compile and send one email to one address and MailChimp will take care of sending that same email out to everyone on your mailing list.
You can also categorize your contacts in order to send emails to smaller groups, such as an email going only to close friends and families, or only to pastors, etc.
Plus, if you use the TntMPD program (listed above) you can link your MailChimp account to your TntMPD database for easy synchronization to make updating contact information very simple.
Free for up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails each month.
Here is a link to a good tutorial to help you get set up using MailChimp
A letter service specializing in mailing newsletters for cross-cultural workers around the world.
You send a digital copy of your letter and this service will take care of printing it and sending it out.
Internet to mailbox . . . Design and personalize your card online, and SendOutCards will print and mail the card for you.
A great way to send out thank you cards to your supporters – even when you’re unable to get to a post office!
Send snail mail quick and easy . . .prayer letters, postcards, greeting cards, and other mailings.
Support Raising

Uses live video via your own PC to train you to raise personal support. Build the attitudes, the skills, and the confidence to actually enjoy raising support. A PC with high speed internet is required.
Courses run 1 1/2 hours a day, 4 days a week for 3 weeks. Guaranteed results. Very low cost.

Raising financial, prayer, and other support can be a daunting task. This People Raising site has helpful suggestions and resources, and a very useful free newsletter.
Missions Fest Alberta is a three-day family missions conference held annually at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton, Canada.
It is supported by Alberta congregations from many evangelical denominations.
Missions Event Calendar
This calendar lists public or semipublic missions-oriented events in the USA and around the world, including conferences, retreats, workshops, and some classes or training events.
Missions Event Calendar
This calendar lists public or semipublic missions-oriented events in the USA and around the world, including conferences, retreats, workshops, and some classes or training events.
Encourages believers to give freely and relationally to missionaries engaged in advancing the Kingdom of God.
Missionaries can create a profile page on this website as another way to let people know about the work you are doing and how they can support you in the ministry.
This website has some really good mission awareness videos.


Helping Missionaries Create Funding

“My vision is to see you fully funded to positively impact our hurting world!”

- Dave Grissen

After 44 years of mission experience, David Grissen has developed some really great fundraising materials and has started a ministry that aims to help missionaries (both new and “weathered”) reach their financial goals.

Visit the FTM Facebook Page for weekly stimulators to keep you motivated and on the fundraising trail. “Like” this page to get these delivered to your inbox every week!

If you need images to use for slide shows or deputation this side has a wide selection of images for FREE!
Not finding the pictures you need?
Click Here for more stock photo options
Kozzi Images

* More than 2,000,000 professional photos
* Very affordable prices for photo downloads (much cheaper than Shutterstock or other stock photo suppliers)
* Get free pictures embedded on your website or blog

Sign up for a Free 30-Day Trial
download 5 free images per day
(cancel any time)

Pictures of Bible characters that look so real you would think there had been cameras in existence in Bible times!
Free Bible Images
This is one of my favorite sites for stock photos. The images are not free, but there is a wide selection of good quality images and a really good search engine on the site that makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for.
* Dial-Abroad
Run by missionary family offering worldwide, international phone service with cheap country-to-country long distance rates.

* Blessed Hope Communications
Christian owned US long distance service with cheap rates for people living in the USA.

* WhatsApp
A free way to call internationally!

Helps Ministries comes along side missionaries, helping them to accomplish their vision and calling from God by offering services such as:

* Video production

* Multi-media support

* Designing Prayer Cards

* Printing & Mailing

* Architectural design

* Sponsorship programs

* Ministry Development

* Accounting

* Fundraising strategizing

and more!

Helping you communicate your vision by developing resources such as: brochures, prayer cards, newsletters, table and floor displays, ministry logos, etc.

Missions Display Kits

Reserve a mission display kit for your next event. Each kit provides pictures and artifacts from the mission field.

Need professional display boards for your deputation? Commission Creative helps create professional looking displays for mission speaking.

Also providing services in designing brochures, prayer cards, magnets, stationary, email templates, custom websites, and more!

People Raising is a fundraising tool in DVD, CD, PDF (manual), and in printed form. There is also a People Raising Tracking Program, a computer software that will help keep track your fundraising programs.

Helping you to be fully funded for ministry, with online resources and workshops.

FREE High Quality Images

Over 720,000 Free Stock Photos, Vectors, and Art Illustrations

The God Ask: A Fresh, Biblical Approach to Personal Support Raising

by Steve Shadrach

As a ministry worker, raising support can be a daunting task. It doesn't have to be intimidating though. It isn't about money or asking people to give. It is about looking to God to provide for you. He has given you a vision for ministry, and now you get to invite others into that vision. Your job is to pray and work hard to discover those whom the Lord has already prepared to invest in you and your ministry. God has done His work. Now it's time for you to do yours.

Tailored Fundraising Solutions is a Christian organization that anyone can pay for personalized coaching in fund-raising.

Innovative Graphics (the company behind Missionary Prayer Cards) has a heart for helping missionaries creatively communicate the heartbeat of their ministry through custom prayer cards, printing, and website design.

The Deputation Manual

By Austin Gardner & Tony Howeth

This pre-field deputation manual has helped many missionaries to discover the fundamental keys to effectively raising support. From printing your prayer cards to filling your calendar to sharing your vision, the Deputation Manual contains the tools and teaching you need to succeed in this crucial period of ministry.